Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Summer Catch-up

I have been lax in posting our family events and it hasn't been because of boredom. We have had a whirlwind summer between individual and family travels, home remodel, family reunions, camping and hiking adventures and just living. The littles seemed to go between overload and "there's nothin' to do" while Mom was always on overload.

The summer started with Simon in Peru. The early start to travel took him out of school a week early but caught up to him when he went to get his Junior year schedule. Apparently students are withdrawn if they are out a week. He started off the school year, a boy without a school and without a schedule. All is well now and he has more of a schedule than he'd like.

Eva was in Texas dancing  much of late June/early July and I was orchestrating bathroom, kitchen and plumbing remodel. We did manage some 4th of July activities, berry picking and swimming, but Lydia and Solomon were more than happy to see Eva and Simon's return.

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