Saturday, November 5, 2011

Traditional fall events

A high schooler  goes to Homecoming....

The family goes to the pumpkin patch...

Keeping up with the homeschooling and a field trip or two...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fall Sports

Lots of soccer and gymnastics, with a bit of football thrown in. Solomon played fun soccer, this being his first organized team sport activity. He loved it! Simon's team has done really well and will have their first state championship play-off game this Saturday. And Lydia has had gymnastics meet after gymnastics meet. She loves her gymnastics and has no intense expectations of herself. She's good, not entirely consistent, but has won All-Around and a handful of firsts for floor and beam.

I was almost going to say looking forward to Christmas time and the closure of sports for a time, but upon further thought, Eva is just beginning her holiday dance responsibilities which run right up to and beyond Christmas. Gotta love the involvement!