Monday, August 9, 2010

Lei Lei has been home two months and Lydia broke her arm!

Lei Lei continues to be a joy for all of us. He is fun and sweet and truly a lovely child. It says a lot that his 8 year old sister adores her little brother. He loves to measure, create, swim, tease, camp, throw pinecones, and play with sticks. His English vocabulary is growing daily and he knows how to use his words to win over all of us. I am so blessed!

On a sad note, our sweet  Lydia moved too fast from her round-off into her back handspring and fell twisting and breaking her right hand. It was during a gymnastics display up at the park and traumatic for all of us! After five hours in the emergency room she has a splint on and will get her cast on Thursday. Not to be outdone, Simon goes in for his ACL surgery next Friday. Our deductible has been met!

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