Saturday, February 25, 2012

Christmas Tree Adventure

 This year we went up the McKenzie River into the hills and back to the spot we found last year to cut down our tree. It was a beautiful day and fun for all of us to be together. As a matter of fact, because it had been a good solid month since the kids had all been together they took advantage of the time, allowing Leo and I to forge, propel, and bushwack the hillside, untangling ourselves every step of the way to choose the tree. All this while the kids had a photo shoot on top of the hill. I, in all my good humor, enjoyed the challenge and appreciated the kid's fun. I'm so glad they Love each other!

The Photo Shoot

Bulldozing our way back up with the tree

Accepting our choice, they joined in for a photo.

With our jet boil on hand we cooked up some delicious cocoa and coffee.

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