Eva Zhou Ying, our third daughter, fourth child and a most extraordinary addition to the family. Eva was born February 28, 1998, about the exact time we began all the paperwork for her adoption. We had requested a child "as young as possible", so when our referral came for an eighteen month old we were surprised but so pleased. Her referral came with a little 2x2 photo that was precious and she is precious.
Eva has changed our lives. She has a tough and stoic demeanor but a very sensitive heart. She sees and remembers everything and I ask her often to help Mom recall. She is our living journal. She has a love for God's word and really wants to dig deeper.
Eva has so many talents. We love watching her dance and act. She has gifts none of the other kids have been interested in pursuing. We all live vicariously through Eva and her successes. But no matter how successful, she is humble.
I am in awe of how God has orchestrated our family. I truly believe you, Eva, were ours from the beginning of time. I love how you are so similar to your brother and sisters, and yet so different. I am proud of you and so humbled we get to be your family!
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