Monday, January 25, 2010

Letter of Confirmation!!!

 After returning from Odell Lake it came. The phone call from our agency saying we received our acceptance from China to bring home Yu Lei. I cried out of happiness, frustration, and a high level of stress. Fortunately we had just returned from an incredibly energetic and relaxing weekend and God placed these words on my heart "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". I came home feeling good.

 I have been so tense about the lack of accountability on anyone's part in this unusually slow process. Someone forgot somewhere to add some number which would begin our dossier procees. After three months of waiting I called our agency and said, where's our LOC? After discovering there was a mix-up someone contacted someone who said he would check the situation out. December passed and now into January and the issue was pursued and today we got the call.

 But, life is never that easy. We had hoped to travel before April and this cuts it sooo close. What to do? Push for March or start arranging our trip in June, after Meg graduates, to get our little guy home. God knew Yu Lei was family before time began, my dear friend reminded me. God has orchestrated the perfect time for us all to come together. I'm resting in that, truly, Karen!


Unknown said...

Congrats! I've been checking your blog looking for this announcement! I am so excited for your family to finally meet Lei Lei!

diane and leo said...

Thanks for your support Tiffani! We can hardly believe it will really happen.

I'll keep you updated!

Mama Fabun said...

Same here. I keep checking, waiting. I'm so glad the letter finally came. Keep us updated on travel plans!

I miss you guys.

diane and leo said...

Well, I'm thinking we'll be home spring break. Should be more clear by the end of the week. Maybe we'll see you?

Kathy said...

Congrats on your son. We adopted our daughter in 7/07 and she is from the Xinyu Welfare, but was in foster care her 15 months there. I would love to see pictures if you are able to travel there when you get to travel. I have tried to get pictures and no such luck. Would be willing to send you my email so you could send some to me. i would appreciate it so much. Hoping you get to travlke before June, know what it is like traveling around school schedules. Best of luck.

diane and leo said...

Thanks Kathy. I'm not sure we'll be able to travel to Xinyu, but we'll try. I have some Xinyu pictures on my blog if you keep scrolling down. What specifically do you want pictures of and why have you been unable to get them? Looks like June for us after this week. Nothing much has progressed.